Nice to meet you.
My name is Elliana, and I'm a multidisciplinary Communication Designer with an affinity for digital media and visual narratives.
My Portfolio ↓
Zeromile is a student magazine written and produced by the Zeromile class at MSU Denver.
It's Time to Talk
It’s Time to Talk is a senior thesis project seeking honest and productive conversations about CSA prevention.

Content Warning
✻ Website Art Direction
✻ Public Awareness Campaign
What Remains
What Remains is a self-directed zine project.
Volunteer Denver
VolunteerDenver is a speculative mobile app prototype designed for users in the Denver area .
✻ UI /UX
✻ Print
ReadWell is a branded book subscription box that engages young adults to read regularly.
Don't Panic!
Don’t Panic! is a self-published zine about the troubling and ridiculous reality of living with anxiety.
✻ Branding & Packaging
✻ Copywriting